COMMUNITY Hat 7 by Felicia Gabaldon
Reclaimed Grey Stetson 9X - Arrowhead Crease.
Size 7 1/4.
Turquoise, Sage, Lavender, Cedar, & Vintage Buffalo Coin.
Vintage Saddle Leather.
Crow Feather.
Felicia is a painter from the Choctaw tribe. Originally from Santa Fe, she currently resides in Berkley.
Her paintings represent a distant revrence of self discovery, culture, and history.
Felicia's art reflects Native motifs through traiditional symbolism and iconographs relative to her cultural heritage.
Felicia uses feathers, flora and fauna, and all things nature consistantly throughout her work.
This piece is acrylic and vinyl paint. Felicia was inspired by Indigenous pottery. The flowers are Poppies, which are native to California.