COMMUNITY Hat 4 By Ikerson Hopper
7 Reclaimed Black Hat with Arrowhead Crease
Vintage Saddle Leather
Leather scraps
Vintage Hand Formed Coin Concho
Ikerson is an Onondaga Nation based artist, who specializes in traditional customized works in various mediums.
His artistic expressions includes graphic design, porcupine quillwork, beadwork, woodcarving, tattoos and apparel design.
Ikerson loves creating one of a kind pieces, very rarely replicating a piece, keeping nearly everything he designs as one unique piece.
He hopes to give insight into the Onondaga culture through his many art forms. As an inherent extension of his work, Ikerson passes along a sense of pride to be Ongwehonweh for the future seven generations.
Ikerson holds a Bachelor’s Degree in graphic design from the University of Adelphi. After years of traveling and playing lacrosse, he has recently begun his career as a full-time artist.